S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Choose the correct option. a. Who is the narrator of the novel? 1. Gatsby. 2. Tom. 3. Nick. b. Who is Tom? 1. Nick s cousin. 2. Daisy s husband. 3. Jordan s lover. c. Who is George Wilson? 1. A friend of Nick s. 2. The owner of a garage. 3. A rich man. L. Di Caprio as Gatsby in d. Daisy is the 2013 film adaption 1. beautiful and happy. by B. Luhrmann. 2. unhappy, but generous and active. 3. fascinating but empty. e. Tom is 1. kind and understanding. 2. strong and arrogant. 3. simple and friendly. f. Myrtle is 1. vulgar but sensual. 2. delicate and gentle. 3. indifferent to Tom s money. g. How did the party in Tom and Myrtle s New York apartment end? 1. Everybody had a good time. 2. Tom hit Myrtle. 3. Myrtle s sister had an accident. h. Who went to Gatsby s parties? 1. Only a selected group of his friends. 2. Only people who had been invited. 3. People who knew about the party and just went there. i. What did Gatsby tell Nick the first time he spoke about himself? 1. That he was the son of poor people from the Middle-West. 2. That he was the son of a very rich family. 3. That he was a self-made man. 99