E X T E N S I O N SCIENCE FICTION The Invisible Man is a science fiction novel. The future, new invention and aliens1 are the main2 themes3 of science fiction. Science fiction creates a possible world that is very different from ours. Physical or biological laws4 may not be the same as ours. For example, aliens physical aspects and movements may be very different from ours. Science fiction often uses scientific laws that are not real but invented. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, a movie produced and directed by Steven Spielberg (1982). Main themes and characters5 One of the main themes of science fiction is technology. Technology may have positive or negative effects. Some characters are: the strange professor, the brilliant scientist or the crazy scientist, the astronaut that is not afraid of anything or even ordinary people. Back to the Future, a movie written and directed by Robert Zemeckis (1985). 1. alien: a creature from a different world. 2. main: the most important. 3. theme: the subject or main idea in a talk, piece of writing or work of art. 4. laws: a series of rules. 5. character: a person represented in a film, play, or story.