E X T E N S I O N INVISIBILITY IN LITERATURE Invisibility has always been one of Man s dreams: the possibility to do things without being seen1. This theme has existed in literature for a long time. Candaules introduces Nyssia to Gyges (Plate by Domenico da Venezia, 1568) The Republic (Plato, c. 375 BC) Gyges is a man that looks after sheep. One day, he finds a ring that can make him invisible. Using the ring, he sleeps with Queen Nyssia, kills King Candaules and becomes king. Plato uses the legend to say: if people know that nobody will punish2 them, they will do anything to have power3. Dr Faustus (Christopher Marlowe, 1590) It tells the story of a man that sells his soul4 to the devil to remain young, powerful and know everything. The devil (Mephistopheles) makes both of them invisible for a visit to the Vatican. Faustus shouts bad words at the Pope, hits his face, then they both go away laughing. The Tempest (William Shakespeare, 1610) Magic is one of the main themes of this play. Ariel has to serve5 Prospero. Because it is a spirit, it can become invisible to the human eye. Ariel uses this ability to play tricks on the people that hate Prospero. Faust (by J. P. Laurens, 1838-1921) 1. without being seen: with nobody that can see you. 2. punish: to make somebody suffer because they have broken the law. 3. power: ability to control people and events. 4. soul: the spiritual part of a person that still exists after death. 5. serve: work for. Ariel and Ferdinand (J. E. Millais, 1849) 40