4 Death Dr Kemp s of a Dream visitor Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Predicting. Look at the title of this chapter. Who do you think Dr Kemp and his visitor are? Choose the best option among the following. Then check your answer when you finish the chapter. a. Dr Kemp is an expert in invisibility and his visitor is the Invisible Man, who visits him to ask for help. b. Dr Kemp is the Invisible Man s best friend and the Invisible Man visits him to ask for help. c. Dr Kemp is a doctor of Medicine and his visitor is Marvel, who goes to his study for a check-up. d. Dr Kemp is a doctor of Medicine and his visitor is Cuss, the doctor of Iping, who wants to have some advice from the colleague. e. Dr Kemp attended the same Medicine University as the Invisible Man, who is visiting him to ask for help. 2 Match the words to their definitions. a. artificial 1. Feeling that you have little hope and are ready to do anything. 2. Very unhappy. b. desperate c. disappear 3. Something that must not be taken seriously. d. joke 4. A piece of information that is only known by one person or a few people. e. miserable 5. Made by people, often as a copy of something natural. 6. A person who works in a house doing f. secret jobs such as cooking and cleaning. g. servant 7. Surprised and upset. h. shocked 8. To become impossible to see. 3 Match the words in the box with the pictures below. bench footprints formula mattress gun sailor a. .................................. b. .................................. c. .................................. d. .................................. e. .................................. f. ..................................