5 The hunt for the Invisible Man Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. clothes father house invisible money shop stole story Griffin (the Invisible Man s name) tells Kemp his (1)..................... . He wanted to study invisibility but he didn t have enough from his (3).................., (2).............. . So he stole it who then killed himself. At last, Griffin found the right formula and became (4)................ . After (5)......................; then, he (6)................. from that, he burnt his landlord s a department store; and finally, he put on (7).............. that he found in a (8)................ of theatrical costumes. 2 Match the words in the box with the pictures below. axe cell helmet spade stick weapons 3 a. .................................. b. .................................. c. .................................. d. .................................. e. .................................. f. .................................. Predictions. Look at the title of Chapter 5. In this context, hunt is the act of looking for somebody/something that is difficult to find. What do you think will happen in this last chapter? After a long and dangerous hunt, the Invisible Man will.... a. b. c. d. be found and killed. run away and disappear forever. become visible and go to prison. convince Kemp to rule the world with him. 56