S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Answer the following questions. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 2 What was the stranger wearing when he entered the inn? Why didn t the stranger give Mrs Hall his coat and hat at first? Whose clothes did the stranger steal? Reverend Bunting s or Dr Cuss s? Why did Kemp say: Put broken glass on the roads ? Why do you think Griffin decided not to kill Adye? Why did Dr Kemp think that the Invisible Man was mad? What happened to Griffin s body after he died? How was Marvel able to start an inn in Port Stowe? What did Marvel do every evening? Is science represented in a positive or negative light in The Invisible Man? Decide if the following sentences are true or false. T a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. F The Invisible Man has little money when he arrives in Iping. Mrs Hall thinks that the stranger is moving her furniture. Somebody steals the vicar s jewels. Marvel wants to help the Invisible Man. If the Invisible Man carries something, he can be seen. Griffin goes to Iping because he wants to become visible again. Griffin and Kemp are both scientists. Griffin steals clothes from the department store. A workman hits Griffin with a spade. Marvel hasn t got the Invisible Man s books. WORKING ON THE TEXT AND VOCABULARY 3 Half of the things listed below can reveal Griffin s presence when he is invisible and naked. Tick ( ) them. breathing fog his shadow smoke darkness heat his blood his footprints his nose his voice hot weather mirror rain sneezing daylight dogs dust 73 snow the moon wind