E X T E N S I O N ENJOY BRILLIANT YORKSHIRE! Yorkshire is in the north-east of England and is a very large county1. There are many important cities like Leeds, Sheffield, Wakefield, Scarborough and its capital, the city of York. York is an ancient city of Roman origin and its name comes from Eboracum . You can visit some famous historical buildings like York Minster, a medieval cathedral with beautiful stainedglass windows2. Later, you can get the thrill3 of York Dungeons4: this journey back in time is scary5 but also fun! Now you need to relax: take a walk along York City Walls: they are four kilometres long and their forty Roman towers are a great tourist attraction! Out of the city, enjoy the charming wildlife6 of this region: in fact, there are a lot of natural parks that you can explore. Yorkshire people are very proud7 of Steinborough Park (in South Yorkshire) or Kinsley Park. Here you can catch fish or see red squirrels. Before you leave, take a few pictures of some wonderful gardens: they are all over the county! Just visit the website below and you will see why the Yorkshire countryside is called The Garden of God . http://www.yorkshire.com/what-to-do/gardens/explore-a-map-ofyorkshire-gardens 1. county: a district, a region. 2. stained-glass window: window decorated with colourful pictures. 3. thrill: strong emotion. 4. 5. 6. 7. 25 dungeon: prison. scary: frightening, fearful. wildlife: flora and fauna in the park. proud: very pleased and satisfied.