E X T E N S I O N THE JEWEL1 OF THE CROWN2 India was under British control from 1757 to the Republican Independence in 1947, after Mahatma Gandhi s pacific protest for freedom. During the reign of Queen Victoria, India was a very important colony of the British Empire: its nickname3 was the Jewel of the Crown . It was a rich country because there was a lot of tea, cotton, silk4, gold and jewels. Today, India is a federal republic with 28 states and over one billion Queen Victoria (1837-1901) inhabitants. The head of state is the president. Its capital is New Delhi and Mumbai is another very large city. There are two official languages, Hindi and English but Indian people speak hundreds of regional dialects in everyday life. Hinduism and Buddhism are important religions. Agriculture is still an important activity for Indian economy: rice, tea, cotton, coffee and spices5 like curry are exported all over the world. Indians also produce drugs, like cannabis and opium, for medical and illegal use. What about free time in India? If you want to have fun, you can play or watch badminton and cricket games (two national sports) or you can enjoy a Bollywood6 film on TV. Reading is also a good idea: old poems like Mahabharata can show you the magic of the past or, if you prefer modernity, you can try The God of Small Things by Arundhaty Roy and The Vendor of Sweets by R.K. Narayan, two Anglo-Indian writers. They describe a nation of striking7 contrasts but full of charm8. 1. jewel: a very precious stone. 5. spice: cooking ingredient with strong smell or taste. 6. Bollywood: cinema industry in India. 7. striking: incredible. 8. charm: magic. 2. crown: 3. nickname: an invented or symbolic name. 4. silk: an expensive material for clothes. Bollywood dance 35