The Author Joseph Rudyard Kipling Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born in 1865 in Bombay (now Mumbai), India. Kipling s father, John Lockwood Kipling, is an artist and a scholar1, and, with his wife, they are part of the upper2 AngloIndian society. Kipling has a sister, Alice, and much of their childhood3 in England is unhappy because they live in a foster home4 without their parents. When Kipling grows up, he travels a lot in England, the United States, South Africa, and India. He works as a journalist for seven years in India, from 1883 to 1889, then he returns to England, and in 1892 he gets married. He and his wife move to the United States where Mrs Kipling has a property in Vermont, but they decide to return to England in 1896. He dies in 1936 in London, England. His ashes5 are in the Poet s Corner, in Westminster Abbey, London. That is a great honour because it means that he is a great writer. 1. scholar: a person who is good at learning by studying. 2. upper society: person in the highest social class who is generally rich. 3. childhood: the time when a person is a child. 4. foster home: house where children go for a limited time and people look after them. 5. ashes: soft, grey powder after you burn something. 4