S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Choose the correct option. a. What is the opening setting of Heart of Darkness? 1. Brussels 2. A boat on the Thames 3. A boat on the Congo b. The Company trades chiefly in ............... . 1. slaves 2. diamonds 3. ivory c. Who helps Marlow to get a job with the Company? 1. His aunt 2. Kurtz 3. An old friend d. At the Company offices, Marlow speaks with ............... . 1. his aunt 2. Kurtz 3. A doctor e. The captain who piloted the steamboat before Marlow died because of a quarrel about ............... . 1. a woman 2. some slaves 3. some hens f. When Marlow arrives at the Company Station, he sees ............... . 1. black men in chains or dying of hunger 2. a girl who offers him flowers to welcome him 3. an old friend g. The Chief Accountant he meets at the Company Station is ............... . 1. lazy and untidy 2. elegant and efficient 3. unfriendly because he refuses to speak with Marlow h. What he sees at the Company Station fills Marlow with ............... . 1. admiration for the agents efficiency 2. horror for the way the black workers are treated 3. desire to become an agent like Kurtz i. To reach the Central Station, Marlow has to ............... . 1. walk all alone for two hundred miles 2. walk for two hundred miles with other people 3. travel by canoe j. At the Central Station, Marlow learns that his steamboat ............... . 1. has sunk 2. has been stolen 3. is ready and can leave the next day k. What is it that Marlow needs most in order to repair the steamboat? 1. Rivets 2. A new boiler 3. Hammers l. What happens to the Eldorado Expedition? 1. They find a lot of ivory 2. They find Kurtz 3. All their donkeys die 118