E X T E N S I O N COLONIALISM The Declaration of Independence by J. Trumbull (1819) The word colonialism describes the system by which one country acquires control over another one, exploiting its resources and occupying it with settlers. This way, the conquering1 country creates an empire, often imposing2 its own language and values over the conquered one. The practice of colonialism already existed in ancient civilisations; starting from around 1550 B.C, Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece and Rome extended their territories into nearby areas imposing their rule by force and establishing colonies. In the Middle Ages (1299 A.D.), the Turks created the Ottoman Empire which lasted for over 600 years and which, at the moment of its greatest expansion, controlled a good part of South-Eastern Europe, Northern Africa and Western Asia. Modern colonialism began in the 15th century, in the so-called Age of Discovery . The Portuguese, looking for new trade routes, were the first to conquer territories in North Africa and then the islands of Cape Verde and Madeira. Soon, the Spanish also began the exploration of new routes. In 1492, Christopher Columbus, looking for the Indies 1. conquer: to take control of a place or people by military force. 2. impose: to force someone to accept something. 24