First Impressions Getting nearer BEFORE READING 1 1 2 Chapter Only six of the following statements are true. Tick them and correct the false ones. a. Marlow was different from the other sailors. b. Marlow thought that conquering other people s lands was not right. c. When he went to the Congo, he had not had other experiences in far off places. d. When he was a child, he was fascinated by maps. e. His uncle helped him get a job with the Belgian company. f. He got his job quickly because Fresleven, one of the company s captains, had been killed. g. Fresleven had decided to punish a village chief for very serious reasons. h. The doctor who examined Marlow thought that he might be slightly mad. i. Marlow s aunt thought that white people brought civilisation to the savages; therefore, working for the company was a noble mission. j. The last part of the journey to Congo was a pleasant, relaxing experience for Marlow. 2 Predict what will happen in the next chapter. Choose among the following options and tick the ones you think are correct. a. Marlow will reach the company station. b. He will be shocked by the conditions of the natives under the colonial domination. c. He will find his steamboat ready and will begin his work. d. He will be impressed by the efficiency of the company agents. e. He will be surprised by the lack of efficiency of the company agents. f. He will find that the steamboat he is going to command is in very poor condition. g. He will think the situation is useless and unreal.