3 A Reunion Along the Great River Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The title of the next chapter is Along the Great River. Predict what will happen. Look at the following options and tick the ones you think are correct. a. Marlow will finally mend the steamboat. b. The manager will prove that he really likes Mr Kurtz and is worried about him. c. Marlow will operate the steamboat with a crew of natives. d. Marlow will choose only white men as his crew. e. They will have an easy journey to Kurtz s station. f. The river is very difficult to travel on. g. The natives will welcome them when they reach Kurtz s station. h. Marlow will meet Mr Kurtz. 2 Match the following words with their definitions. a. rib b. paddle c. canned food d. arrow e. file f. rifle g. canoe h. bead 1. A small, round piece of glass, wood or other hard material, with a hole through it, often used in jewellery. 2. A small, narrow boat, moved using a paddle. 3. A weapon consisting of a long thin stick with a sharp point, shot by a bow or a blowpipe. 4. A stick with wide ends which is used to move a small boat. 5. A bone which curves from your back to your chest. 6. Food which is processed and sealed into metal containers in order to preserve it. 7. A type of gun with a long barrel. 8. A hard tool used to shape objects and make them smooth by rubbing them. 48