The unnamed Sailor s narrative Chapter BEFORE READING 1 1 The story you are going to read is set in Africa in the late 1890s, in what is now called the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Use the Internet to look for the following information: a. What was the name of the country when Heart of Darkness was published (1899)? b. Was it an independent state? c. Who dominated it? d. When did it become a Belgian colony? e. When did it acquire independence? 2 Why do you think the Europeans of the period were interested in the Congo? Choose the correct option. a. To exploit its raw materials. b. To export their manufactured goods. c. To import Congolese manufactured goods. 3 Most of the story develops along the Congo River. Look at the following picture of it and say what its form reminds you of. a. A snake; b. A bird; c. A head The Congo River 6