Death The Harlequin of a Dream BEFORE READING 1 4 Chapter Complete the following sentences so that they describe some of the events from Chapter 3. a. The manager said that Kurtz hadn t sent any news to the Central Station for more than a year, but he had sent ................................................ b. The manager and his uncle thought there was no one with Kurtz now, except ....................................................................................................................... . c. Since there were a lot of sandbanks in the river, Marlow was afraid .................................................................................................................................................... d. When the water wasn t deep enough for the steamboat to go on, the cannibals who made up the crew ............................................................... . e. Along the river it was very quiet, but sometimes they heard .................................................................................................................................................. . f. In a hut Marlow found a book about seamanship and noticed that the notes, which someone had written in the margin, seemed .................................................................................................................................................. . g. When they were about eight miles from Kurtz s station, they stopped for the night in the middle of the river, but the following morning it ......................................................................................... that they couldn t go on. h. Marlow thought that the wild cries they heard were an expression ................................................................................................................................................... . 2 The illustration below refers to the next chapter. Describe it and try to predict what it might mean. Illustration by Murrayjohn, 2014