5. Put the following characteristics into the right column.


Id Ego Superego

6. Answer the following questions.

1. What happens if a child does not receive the right amount of gratification during the oral stage?
2. What can excessive pressure to control anal stimulation lead to?
3. What is the Oedipus complex?
4. Who are sexual urges directed towards in the latency and genital stages?
5. What is the result of the completion of every stage of Erikson’s model?
6. According to Erikson, what does an individual simultaneously develop?

7. Listen to a text on Freud’s innovations and choose the best answer.

1. Freud developed ...
a. a theory of the human mind and human behaviour.
b. a technique for helping unhappy, neurotic people.
c. both of the above.

2. During the 19th century, the main trend in psychology was ...
a. positivism.
b. rationalism.
c. individualism.

3. Freud suggested that we are ...
a. aware of our thoughts and act for reasons connected with them.
b. not fully aware of our thoughts and may act for reasons unconnected with them.
c. aware of our thoughts and may act for reasons unconnected with them.

4. According to Freud, dreams ...
a. are a good example of our unconscious life and can help us understand it.
b. are a good example of our unconscious life and can help us understand it.
c. do not lead us to discover the unconscious.

5. The preconscious is ...
a. an easily accessible layer between conscious and unconscious thought.
b. a layer below unconscious thought we can hardly access.
c. a layer of conscious thought we cannot access.


The collective unconscious, also called objective psyche, is a concept originally defined by psychoanalyst Carl Jung (1875-1961). It refers to the idea that a segment of the deepest unconscious mind is genetically inherited and is not shaped by personal experience.
According to Jung, the collective unconscious is common to all human beings and is responsible for a number of deep-seated beliefs, called archetypes and instincts, such as spirituality, sexual behaviour, and life and death instincts.

Carl Jung
Carl Jung


cleanliness: pulizia
to emphasise: mettere in evidenza
to result in: causare
slip of the tongue: lapsus
sucking: succhiare
to take into account: prendere in considerazione
unbalanced: non equilibrato
urge: impulso