Unit 1 • lnside the machine
- Anatomy, physiology and structural organisation of the body
- Cells and tissues
- The skeletal and muscular systems
- The nervous and endocrine systems
- The cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- The digestive and urinary systems
- The reproductive system
- Sensory systems
Unit 2 • Diseases
- lnflammation
- lmmunodeficiency and congenita! syndromes
- lnfectious agents: viruses, bacteria and fungi
- Neoplasia
- Other common problems and diseases
- Vaccines and immunoglobulins
Unit 3 • What's in a hospital
- Generai organisation
- The emergency department (ED)
- The operating room
Unit 4 • Hospital staff
- Hospital doctors
- What's it like to be a nurse?
- Healthcare assistants