1 THE FAMILY WHAT'S A FAMILY? Family bonds How a family live together, caring and supporting each other, even in bad or difficult times, makes the and connections very strong. Providing and a firm foundation to uncertainty is a big responsibility but also an immense opportunity. is a solid and important element in family relationships, it strengthens them and makes the family a home of comfort, and love. bonds stability counteract Communication reassurance shared Being parents Being parents can be wonderful, but challenging and difficult. Most parents may sometimes feel . There is a lot of information about what we “should” do to “good” kids but there are for ensuring that our children will be happy, healthy and successful in life. However, research shows that parents can make a significant difference through a number of simple approaches. 1 overwhelmed raise no guaranteed methods plenty of Adults and children The adults involved in children’s lives – parents, teachers, relatives – play an important role in their development. Building a for your children is one of the best things you can do to ensure that they grow up to be healthy, caring and responsible. strong network of caring adults together will not only your own relationship with your children, it also encourages the building of relationships with other adults. When you give your children the resources they need, they will reach well prepared. Spending quality time strengthen adulthood The authoritative style After years of research, experts in child development and child psychology agree that the ideal style for parenting is what is known as the style. In this role parents: authoritative by providing and limits that are appropriate to the age, ability and interest of the child; guide goals through and celebration of results; encourage praise that includes time to play and have fun as well as time to communicate and reflect; develop a positive relationship to promote healthy development, self-discipline and develop a healthy respect for themselves and others. provide rules 1 WARM UP How many of you are there In your famlly? • What ls your deflnltlon of a famlly? • Do you know any famllies with more than three chlldren? MORE "Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it." Harold Hulbert 1 DO Australlan chlldren answer the questlon: what ls famlly? O What is family? AIFStv 1 posted by