1 Answer the following questions.
1. What should the function of the family be?
2. Why is communication important in a family?
3. How can adults ensure that children grow up healthy, caring and responsible?
4. What is the ideal style for parenting according to experts?
5. What goals should parents promote?
6. How should parents encourage their children?
7. What does a positive relationship also include?
8. Why should parents provide rules?
2 Becoming parents. When? Why?
Nowadays the question is not whether to have children or even why or how, but when. When do you think is the right time to have a child? At what age? Give reasons.
The following are some possible answers to the questions above (you can add yours). Number them according to your point of view, then give reasons for your choice.
- When you are young and strong.
- When you are older and wiser.
- When you have met Mr/Ms Right.
- When you have a job.
3 Listen to the recording twice then choose the best option.
1. Jennifer and her sister were both born in Mexico.
- Right
- Wrong
- Doesn’t say
2. Jennifer’s parents moved from Mexico to Manhattan.
- Right
- Wrong
- Doesn’t say
3. People called Jennifer “Rose” many times.
- Right
- Wrong
- Doesn’t say
4. Rose wrote to Jennifer first.
- Right
- Wrong
- Doesn’t say
5. Rose always knew she had a twin sister.
- Right
- Wrong
- Doesn’t say
6. Rose is Jennifer’s only sister.
- Right
- Wrong
- Doesn’t say
7. Rose was a student at Long Island University.
- Right
- Wrong
- Doesn’t say
8. Rose had only recently arrived in Long Island.
- Right
- Wrong
- Doesn’t say
adulthood: età adulta
authoritative: autorevole
bond: legame
counteract: fronteggiare
goal: obiettivo
overwhelmed: sopraffatto
plenty of: una gran quantità
raise: allevare, crescere
reassurance: rassicurazione
shared: condiviso
to strengthen: rafforzare