There are several family forms to be considered.

Married nuclear families

In these families, both adults are the biological or adoptive parents of the children. There are three types of married nuclear families:

  • in the first, both husband and wife work outside the home;
  • in the second, the husband works outside the home, while the wife is at home caring for the children;
  • in the third type, the woman works outside the home and the man cares for the children. This constitutes only a small percentage of families.

Cohabiting families

In this kind of family, a man and woman live together but are not married. If there are children, at least one of the adults is a biological or adoptive parent.

Single-parent families

In this family, there is only one parent in the home. The primary reason is divorce. The majority of these families are headed by women.


Blended families and stepfamilies

These families are generally created by divorce and remarriage. In blended families, biologically unrelated children1 may live in the same house.

Grandparent-led families

Sometimes, children live with their grandparents when their parents have died or can no longer take care of them.

Families in which the adult or adults are lesbian or gay

Children sometimes live with a lesbian or gay single parent or two gay or lesbian parents. Children may come from a heterosexual relationship or may have been adopted or conceived by assisted reproductive technologies. Sometimes one parent is the genetic parent and the other parent adopts the child. Sometimes one is the gestational parent and the other is the genetic parent.

Commuter families

In these families, the parents live and work in different towns or countries. One parent provides the primary residence, and the other parent comes home for short periods of time.

Foster and group-home families

Foster parents and institutional childcare workers often provide a substitute family for children referred by the courts or government agencies.


Do you know or can you guess the meaning of these words?
unwed, stepmother, half-brother


1 A stepbrother, has no blood connection with your biologica! parents.


1 Blended Families posted by Parents