Preconception health

It means knowing how health conditions and risk factors can affect a woman or her unborn baby if she becomes pregnant. For example, some foods, habits, and medicines can harm the baby – even before he or she is conceived. Some health problems, such as diabetes, can also affect pregnancy.


Every woman should think about her health whether she is planning pregnancy or not. Undetected serious medical problems may put an unplanned pregnancy at greater risk of pre-term birth with low-weight1 babies. Experts agree that women need to be healthier before becoming pregnant. By taking action on health issues and risks before pregnancy, women can prevent problems that might affect their baby later.


• How old were your mum and dad when they became parents?
• Do you think people become parents later nowadays? Why?
• In your oplnlon, what is the rlght age to become parents? Why?


1 The average newborn's (between 37 and 41weeks) weight is about 3,400 grams.


1 Whendoes preconception health begin? posted by Your Fertility

How to get ready for pregnancy

Women (but also men) should prepare for pregnancy at least three months before it. Some actions, such as stopping smoking, reaching a healthy weight, or adjusting medicines they are taking, should start even earlier. The five most important things they should do for preconception health are:

1. take 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid every day to lower the risk of some birth defects of the brain and spine, including spina bifida;
2. stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
3. be sure their medical condition is under control; some conditions that can affect pregnancy or be affected by it include asthma, diabetes, oral health, obesity, or epilepsy;
4. talk to their doctor about any medicines they are taking;
5. avoid contact with toxic substances or materials that could cause infection at work and at home and stay away from chemicals and cat or rodent faeces.
