9. Read the mini dialogues below and decide which trimester the women are in.

1. A. Why are you using that cream?
B. I have to wear some make-up to cover these dark areas on my face. ☐

2. A. Didn’t you have breakfast this morning?
B. No, I feel sick as soon as I get up, I can’t eat anything. ☐

3. A. I think I’ll go to bed, goodnight dear.
B. But… it’s only nine o’clock! ☐

4. A. Oh, my God! What’s this spot on my blouse? Here, just on my chest…
B. Let me see… Oh, don’t worry. I know what it is. ☐

5. A. What’s this disgusting smell?
B. But it’s vegetable soup, you used to like it… ☐

6. A. You look tired…
B. You’re right, I couldn’t sleep last night… And it’s not the first time this week. ☐

10. Describe the picture below.


11. Imagine a friend of yours is going to have a baby soon. Write her an email (35-45 words).

  • congratulate her on the happy event
  • ask about her health
  • arrange to meet her somewhere

12. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with one word.

Pregnancy is a time of great 1. ................................... and a bit of pain and discomfort. For most people, the 2. ................................... that a woman is pregnant brings great joy. I remember being too happy to 3. ................................... . I phoned everyone I knew.
From that very minute, your life 4. ................................... . You start thinking about 5. ................................... and whether it’ll be a boy or a girl. Of course, you 6. ................................... the pregnancy will be problem-free. The 7. ................................... are exciting. I loved looking at the 8. ................................... scans. It’s amazing to see the tiny baby move and see its 9. ................................... beat. The later 10. ................................... of pregnancy are the most difficult. This is when the mother wants the baby to come so she can take the 11. ................................... off her feet. I think the emotions of pregnancy are 12. ................................... all over the world.

Pregnancy Cravings

Pregnancy cravings (intense desires for a food) are a fact. Studies show that physical changes during pregnancy can alter food preferences, causing women to intensely desire some foods and find others disgusting. Although some women want healthy foods, most prefer sweet foods such as ice cream or salty foods such as potato chips. Occasionally, cravings focus on unusual foods, an unusual quantity of certain foods, or an unusual combination of foods. Cravings can vary widely – even from one trimester to the next – and the food desired during one pregnancy may not be the same during the next one. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone rise during pregnancy and probably increase cravings, just as they do during a woman’s menstrual cycle. A rise in hormones can alter sensory perception, making pregnant women more sensitive to the way food tastes and smells. Some foods become irresistible while other foods evoke nausea.


ankle: caviglia
belly button: ombelico
breasts: seni
labour: travaglio
mood swings: variazioni di umore
nipple: capezzolo
patch: chiazza
period stopping: assenza del ciclo mestruale
stretch marks: smagliature
swelling: gonfiore
tender: dolente
watery pre-milk: latte ricco d'acqua