Breastfeeding is important

Numerous government and private industry associations today recognize and promote the importance of exclusively providing breast milk to babies in the first twelve months of life.1
Research shows that breastfed infants have fewer and shorter episodes of illness, and the superior nutrition provided by breast milk benefits the baby's IQ.


Were you breastfed as a baby?


1 The artificial milk that can be given to babies instead of milk from their mother is called 'formula milk'.

Advantages of breastfeeding for the baby

Furthermore, breastfeeding:

  • is the most natural and nutritious way to encourage your baby's optimal development;
  • makes a gentle transition for the newborn to the world outside the womb;
  • appears to reduce the risk of obesity and hypertension;
  • delays and lowers the risk of developing allergic disease;
  • helps the baby's immune system to mature;
  • protects against developing chronic diseases such as: celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, and childhood cancers;
  • encourages skin-to-skin contact, offering babies greater emotional security and enhancing bonding. The activity of sucking at the nipple helps the development of the baby's oral muscles, facial bones, and helps optimal dental development.

Advantages of breastfeeding for the mum

Breastfeeding is also the best option for the mother:

  • breast milk is always fresh, clean, just the right temperature2, and is the healthy choice at the lowest cost;
  • when breastfeeding, the increased levels of oxytocin stimulate postpartum uterine contractions, minimizing blood loss and encouraging rapid uterine toning;
  • from 3 months to 12 months postpartum, breastfeeding increases the rate of weight loss in most nursing mothers;
  • breastfeeding women report psychological benefits such as increased self-confidence and a stronger sense of connection with their babies.1


2 Breast milk can be stored and heated when it is needed to help busy mums continue to provide the benefits of breast milk.


1 Formula Feeding vs. Breastfeeding I Baby Development
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