16 Answer the following questions.

1. Why may mums get confused once alone at home?
2. Do all babies need the same amount of milk?
3. How many times a day should a mother breastfeed?
4. How long does it normally take for a baby to be back to their weight at birth?
5. How much weight should a baby gain each week?
6. What is the average rhythm of sucking during a feed?

17 Find the terms in the reading passage on the previous page that correspond to the following definitions/synonyms.

1. quick and ready at responding to a stimulus:
2. squares of thick soft paper material around a baby’s bottom and between its legs to absorb its urine and solid waste:
3. increase:
4. the act of pulling in liquid through the mouth:
5. choice:
6. disturbances:

18 Listen to two women who decided not to breastfeed then write A or B next to the statements below.

1. She has got one child. ☐
2. She is very busy with her job. ☐
3. She was not feeling ready to breastfeed. ☐
4. She had physical obstacles to breastfeeding. ☐
5. She is a workaholic. ☐
6. She did not feel guilty for not breastfeeding her child. ☐
7. She produced only a small quantity of milk. ☐
8. She did not stop working when in hospital. ☐
9. Breastfeeding was very painful for her. ☐
10. She ordered a pump to extract milk from her breasts. ☐

19 PAIR WORK What good reasons might a woman have for deliberately deciding not to breastfeed? Talk to your partner and list them in the spaces provided below.

  • Poor attachment and positioning.
  • Not feeding your baby often enough.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking while breastfeeding.
  • Previous breast surgery, particularly if your nipples have been moved.
  • Having to spend time away from your baby after the birth – for example, because they were premature.
  • Illness in you or your baby.
  • Giving your baby bottles of formula or a dummy before breastfeeding is well established.
  • Some medications, including dopamine, ergotamine and pyridoxine.
  • Anxiety, stress or depression.
  • Your baby having a tongue problem that restricts the movement of their tongue.



bowel motion : scarica intestinale
feed : poppata
loose : semi-liquido
meconium : meconio (sostanza che si trova nell’intestino del feto al momento della nascita)
rest : riposo
to swallow : deglutire