7 Read the text below about the importance of toys. Then, for each age group, decide the appropriate selection of toys, listed on the following page, by writing the correct letter (A, B or C) in the box provided.
The role of toys. Toys play a vital role in the growth and development of children.
For centuries1
they have been considered an integral part of children’s development.
Toys promote their behavioural skills and emotional and social well-being, as well as improving their learning skills and creative abilities. The different toys available for different age groups all have a role in encouraging children’s growth, helping them explore their creativity and developing their imagination. The following guidelines can help when choosing suitable toys for pre-school children of different ages.1
• Have you ever bought a toy fora child?
• What do you think makes a good quality toy?
The earliest toys were made from materials found in nature (rocks, sticks and day). Thousands of years ago, Egyptian children played with dolls that had hair and movable arms and legs, which were made from stone, pottery and wood.
1 Playing With a Baby Through Development: How to Play With a
2-Month-Old Baby posted by eHow
Birth to 1 year old
A baby learns about its surroundings using all five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch). A child of this age is also learning cause and effect. Toys which this age group may enjoy include: ☐
1 to 3 years old
A toddler moves around a lot – walking, climbing, pushing, riding. A strong interest in manipulating and problem-solving with objects begins in this period and can be encouraged with: ☐
3 to 5 years old
Preschoolers love to be with other children and enjoy sharing many kinds of activities, including: ☐