• Push-pull and ride-on toys
  • Small tricycles and wagons
  • Simple puzzles, shape sorters, peg-boards
  • Movement games
  • Large beads
  • Blocks, stacking rings
  • Picture books
  • Crayons, markers and clay


  • Dolls to dress up with accessories
  • Puppets
  • Large bead-threading and lacing sets
  • Storybooks
  • Simple board games and puzzles (no more than 24 pieces)


  • Mobiles and safety mirrors
  • Rattles
  • Stacking toys
  • Simple pop-up toys
  • Picture books
  • Musical toys, squeeze toys
  • Infant swings
  • Teething toys

8 PAIR WORK Imagine a friend has a younger brother who is only twelve months. It’s the little boy’s birthday and you and your friend want to buy him a present. Which toy do you think would be best for him?

9 B2 Describe the two photos comparing and contrasting them, then answer the following question:
Why do you think the children in the photos are having fun?


  • Keep regular meal and sleep schedules. Less desirable behaviour frequently happens when children are tired or hungry.
  • Praise behaviours you approve of and ignore ones you want to discourage.
  • Try to avoid shouting. Do not show violent behaviour.
  • Redirect or distract when you can. Point out something funny or interesting.
  • Keep rules simple and offer brief explanations.
  • Let your child have some control by offering a choice between two things. For example, you might say: “Would you like to wear your blue sweater or yellow jacket today?”
  • Keep your toddler’s home environment safe.
  • Do not give in. Set your limits and be firm.
  • Stay calm. Children “absorb” parents’ stress. Count to 10 or take a deep breath, whatever helps you to keep your cool.


bead: perlina (di collana)
clay: argilla
lacing set: gioco di fili da infilare in asole
pop-up: che balzano fuori
rattle: sonaglio
shape sorter: gioco di forma ad incastro
to squeeze: comprimere, schiacciare
tantrum: capriccio
teething: che allevia i dolori da dentizione
to thread: infilare nelle asole