10 Complete the following sentences.

1. In Italy and in Europe local authorities ..........................................
2. Age group and location within Italy ..........................................
3. There are more services available for ..........................................
4. Only six percent of children ..........................................
5. Public childcare in the south of Italy is ..........................................
6. A child’s age also determines ..........................................
7. Working mothers have difficulty in using childcare because of the characteristics ..........................................
8. Grandparents and/or baby-sitters help families to compensate ..........................................

11 Listen to the recording about the advantages of nursery school and list them in the spaces provided below. Add your own ideas.

  1. ..........................................
  2. ..........................................
  3. ..........................................
  4. ..........................................

12 Imagine you have found a part-time job as a baby-sitter to a two-year-old child. Write an email to a friend telling him/her about your new job. Give details about:

  • the child
  • your working hours
  • what you have to do
  • your expectations.

13 Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.

bridge • educational • educators • elementary • higher • hygiene • knowledge • learning • responsibilities • social

What is a kindergarten teacher?

A kindergarten teacher is responsible for integrating young children into the world of 1. .......................................... by teaching them 2. .........................................., social skills, personal 3. .........................................., basic reading skills, art, and music. These teachers prepare children for the 4. .......................................... grades of elementary school, as well as certain aspects of life outside of the 5. .......................................... system.
A kindergarten is the 6. .......................................... between early childhood care and 7. .......................................... school; it is a very important year for students and requires some special 8. .......................................... from the kindergarten teacher. These teachers are among the most important 9. .......................................... a child will have during their school years. Kindergarten teachers have the same 10. .......................................... as other teachers but also have to take into account that most of their students will be experiencing school for the first time.


availability: disponibilità
guaranteed: garantito
labour market: mercato del lavoro
mandatory: obbligatorio
maternity leave: congedo di maternità
on average: in media
public childcare: assistenza pubblica all’infanzia
risky: rischioso
supplemented: integrato
time-off: congedo, permesso