10 Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the skeletal system made up of?
  2. What is the function of the joints?
  3. What tissues does the skeletal system consist of?
  4. What are the main parts of a bone?
  5. What does the term 'musei e' refer to?
  6. What does the muscular system refer to?
  7. How does a muscle work?
  8. What does the word motion refer to?

11 Decide which system is responsible for the functions listed in the table below.

Body function Skeletal system Muscular system Both systems
Storing fats and minerals
Producing heat
Supporting soft organs
Protecting soft organs
Providing body stability
Producing body movement
Generating blood and cells

12 Decide if the following are bones (B) or muscles (M). Then look at the pictures of the two systems and check your answers.
1. tibia ☐
2. biceps ☐
3. triceps ☐
4. cranium ☐
5. ulna ☐
6. sternum ☐
7. clavicle ☐
8. femur ☐
9. trapezius ☐
10. pectoralis ☐


13 Listen to the extract of a lesson on the structure of skeletal muscles and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Then, correct the false ones.

1. Most muscles have a broad shape. ☐ T ☐ F
2. The fibres can have two different positions: parallel to the long axis of the muscle or oblique. ☐ T ☐ F
3. Each muscle fibre is a cylindrical muscle cell. ☐ T ☐ F
4. Muscles are surrounded by connective tissue. ☐ T ☐ F
5. A fasciculus is a bundle of muscle fibres. ☐ T ☐ F
6. Soft and fragile cells cover the connective tissue. ☐ T ☐ F
7. Tendons are direct attachments. ☐ T ☐ F
8. Skeletal muscles have a scarce supply of blood and nerves. ☐ T ☐ F



to anchor: ancorare, fissare
cancellous: poroso, spugnoso
to enable: consentire
framework: struttura
joint: articolazione
ligament: legamento
marrow: midollo
smooth muscle: muscolo liscio
soft organ: tessuto molle