ALCOHOL Pressured to drink Advertising, magazines and television make . It is also easy for a teenager to be forced to drink because of peer pressure. Teens may also drink because they are curious, they believe that it will make them feel good and reduce stress, and because they want to feel older. alcoholic drinks seem attractive and fun Binge drinking Binge drinking is the consumption of . This excessive drinking can lead to difficulty in concentrating, memory , changes, and other problems that affect everyday life. However, binge drinking carries more serious and risks as well. four or more drinks in a row lapses mood longer-lasting 1 Alcohol poisoning Alcohol poisoning is of binge drinking. It affects the body’s involuntary reflexes – including breathing and the . If the gag reflex is not working properly, a person can on his or her vomit. the most life-threatening consequence gag reflex choke to death Other signs of alcohol poisoning include: extreme confusion inability to be awakened vomiting seizures slow or irregular breathing low body temperature bluish or pale skin What to do If you have a friend whose drinking worries you, make sure he or she stays safe. Don’t let your friend drink and drive, for example. If you can, try to friends who have been drinking doing anything dangerous. Protect yourself, too. Do not get in a car with someone who has been drinking , call a taxi instead. Everyone can decide to drink and how much. It is possible to enjoy a party or another event just as much, if not more, without drinking. keep from 2 whether Having alcoholic drinks as a habit is usually just a step away from addiction (when you depend on drinking to feel good or your day). It is usually hard for teens to recognise they have a problem, which is why . get through friends or family can help WARM UP • A teetotaller is a person who never drinks alcohol on principle. ls anyone you know a teetotaller? DO Can we predict which teenagers will binge drink? Seekers 1 posted by Do you know what the maximum blood alcohol level to be allowed to drive in ltaly is? 2