17 Answer the following questions.
1. What does the cardiovascular system transport?
2 What is the difference between blood and a blood vessel?
3 What is plasma?
4 How can we classify blood vessels?
5 What is the main function of the respiratory system?
6 What is ventilation?
7 What are the two phases of ventilation?
18 Look at the picture of a human heart and complete the following text.
The heart is made up of two atria, the
1 ............................................ and the 2 ........................................... .
..........................................,. and two ventricles, the
3 ............................................ and the4 ............................................ .. .
......................................... At the top there is the
5 ............................................ , while at the bottom there is
the6 ............................................ ........................................... .
There are four valves. On the left we can see the
7 ............................................ and 8 ........................................... .
........................................... , while on the right there are the
9 ............................................ and the 1 O ........................................... .
...................................... There is al so a 11 ....................................... .
artery and a 12 ......................................... ........................................ .
on the right.
19 Describe the picture of the respiratory system using the following prompts.
20 Read the following text and complete it with the missing words.
Gross anatomy of the lungs
The lungs are pyramid-shaped, paired organs
1 ............................................ are connected to the trachea
by the right 2 ............................................ left bronchi.
On the inferior surface, the lungs are bordered
3 ............................................ the diaphragm. The diaphragm
is the flat, dome-shaped musei e located at the base
4 ............................................ the lungs and thoracic cavity.
The lungs are enclosed by the pleurae, which are
attached 5 ............................................ the mediastinum.The
right lung is shorter and wider6 . .......................................... .
the left lung, and the left lung occupi es a smaller
volume than the right.The cardiac notch is an
indentati on on 7 ............................................ surface of the
left I ung, and it allows space for the heart.
The apex of the lung is the superior regi on,
8 ..................................... the base is the apposite region near
the diaphragm.The costai surface 9 ..................................... .
the lung borders the ribs.The mediastinal surface
faces 1 O ............................................ midline.
From: https:1/opentextbc.calanatomyandphysiologylchapter/22-2-the-lungs/
to allow: permettere
blood vessel: vaso sanguigno
carbon dioxide: aniadride carbonica
to drain: drenare
exhalation: espirazione
fist: pugno
inhalation: inspirazione
lung: polmone
passageway: passaggio
to propel: spingere avanti
sac: alveolo (polmonare)
waste: scorie