HOME CARE, ENABLEMENT SERVICES AND TELECARE Home care assist with a of tasks to help people . They also support carers to maintain their precious role when providing regular assistance to friends, family or neighbours. Home care services can provide support to anyone who has been as in need of support within their own home. Depending on the needs assessment, the tasks may include: cleaning, gardening, ordering shopping, , laundry, personal care of hair, teeth, food preparation, assistance with dressing and undressing, washing or bathing, any other tasks which would normally be expected of a carer. The cost of the service depends on an assessment of a person’s financial position. Home carers range remain independent in their own homes assessed pension collecting Enablement services provide people with the . This might mean learning new skills or re-learning ones lost because of an illness or disability. The skills taught by professional staff include: teaching how to prepare a meal, washing and dressing, doing the laundry and how to move safely in the house to avoid having a . Enablement services support needed in everyday tasks so that they can carry on living independently fall Telecare is the term used for a , providing the care and needed to allow them to remain living in their own homes. The use of sensors may be part of a which can provide support for people with illnesses such as dementia, or people at risk of falling. Some telecare, such as safety confirmation and lifestyle monitoring have a preventive function in that a deterioration in the telecare user’s wellbeing can be at an early stage. Telecare specifically differs from telemedicine and telehealth. Telecare refers to the idea of . Telecare 1 service or remote 1 care to elderly and physically less able people reassurance package spotted enabling people to remain independent in their own homes by providing person-centred technology to support the individual or their carers WARM UP a. about 3% b. about 10% c. about 15% Do you know how many old people benefit from home care in Italy? DO What is telecare? 1 posted by NHSHighland MORE The word "remote" is used to describe a distant, inaccessible place and to refer to a very unlikely idea, but when it is associated with the word "control" it means controlling something electronically from a distance without physical contact. 1