24 Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. The function of the reproductive system is to make sexual intercourse possible. ☐ T ☐ F
2. The process by which sex cells are formed is called gametogenesis. ☐ T ☐ F
3. Reproductive organs are also called genitals. ☐ T ☐ F
4. The prostate is an accessory gland. ☐ T ☐ F
5. The scrotum is a type of sack. ☐ T ☐ F
6. The duct system is lubricated by the seminai vesicles. ☐ T ☐ F
7. Glans is another name for gland. ☐ T ☐ F
8. Egg cell is a synomym of ovum. ☐ T ☐ F
9. The uterus is a muscle. ☐ T ☐ F
10. The vagina is a passageway for childbirth. ☐ T ☐ F
25 Find the words corresponding to the following definitions.
1. A form of nuclear division:
2. Forming new human beings and transmitting hereditary traits: .............................................................................
3. The process by which sex cells are formed:
4. The process by which an ovum is fertilised:
5. Organs which produce sperm:
6. A pouch-like structure outside the pelvis:
7. Glands which nourish the sperm:
8. The main part of the penis:
9. They produce ova and hormones:
10. They are modified sweat glands:
26 Read the following text and use the words in brackets to form words that fit in the gaps.
Twins: identical and fraternal
Multiple 1 ............................................ (birth) are more
common than they were in the past,due to the
2 ............................................ (advance) average age of
mothers and the 3 ............................................ (associate)
rise in assisted reproductive techniques, in
particular the use of fertility drugs. Twins account
for over 90 per cent of multiple births. There are
two types of twins - identica( (monozygotic) and
fraternaI (dizygotic). To form identical twins, one
fertilised egg (ovum) splits and develops two
babies with exactly the same 4 ........................................... .
(gene) information.This differs from fraterna(
twins, where two eggs (ova) are fertilised by two
sperms and produce two 5 ........................................... .
(genetic) unique children, who are no more alike
than individuai siblings born at different times.
Twins are more or less 6 ............................................ (equal)
likely to be female or male. Contrary to popular
belief, the i ncidence of twi ns does not ski p
7 ............................................ (generate).
Adapted from: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au
27 Look at the picture and answer the following questions.
1. Can identical twins belong to different genders?
2. Can fraternal twins belong to the same gender?
breast: mammella
egg celi: ovulo
epididymis: epididimite
glans (plur. glandes): glande
layer: strato
ovum (plur. ova): uovo, cellula uovo
paired: appaiati
pelvis (plur. pelvises/ pelves): pelvi, bacino
pouch: sacca
scrotum (plur. scrota): scroto
seminai vesicle: vescicola seminale
shaft: corpo
sweat glands: ghiandole sudoripare