28 Choose the right option for each statement.
1. The tactile system …
a. locates touch on the body.
b. operates with two types of receptors.
c. sends a signal only when the touch is dangerous.
2. The visual system …
a. cannot read non-verbal clues.
b. recognizes sizes.
c. can also read body language.
3. The auditory system …
a. discriminates speech from sounds.
b. can identify the type of sound.
c. can direct sounds.
4. Gustatory and olfactory systems …
a. are two separate systems.
b. identify food.
c. work as a single system.
5. The vestibular system …
a. works independently.
b. works with the auditory and visual systems.
c. directs body movements.
6. The kinesthetic system …
a. controls the whole body.
b. receives feedback from the brain.
c. fixes the edges of our body.