28 Choose the right option for each statement.

1. The tactile system …
a. locates touch on the body.
b. operates with two types of receptors.
c. sends a signal only when the touch is dangerous.

2. The visual system …
a. cannot read non-verbal clues.
b. recognizes sizes.
c. can also read body language.

3. The auditory system …
a. discriminates speech from sounds.
b. can identify the type of sound.
c. can direct sounds.

4. Gustatory and olfactory systems …
a. are two separate systems.
b. identify food.
c. work as a single system.

5. The vestibular system …
a. works independently.
b. works with the auditory and visual systems.
c. directs body movements.

6. The kinesthetic system …
a. controls the whole body.
b. receives feedback from the brain.
c. fixes the edges of our body.


The ability to detect gravity and the body's motion may be one of the most ancient senses. In vertebrates, the complex vestibular system carries out this task via the otolith organs and semicircular canals of the inner ear. lnvertebrates make use of a simpler structure known as a statocyst to sense their own movement and body position relative to the Earth's gravitational pull.


29 Listen to a short text on sensory integration and answer the questions.
1. What does each sensory system do?
2. What does the brain do to interpret the signals?
3. What is the thalamus?
4. What do the cortical areas do?
5. What do light and sound do together?

Sensory integration
Sensory integration

30 Follow the link and do the quiz. Then discuss the results with a partner. What is your strongest sense?
► QuizDoo

Sensory experience at the Digital Art Museum, Tokyo
Sensory experience at the Digital Art Museum, Tokyo


awareness: consapevolezza
auditory: uditivo
clue: segnale
to detect: rilevare
edge: limite
inner: interno
track: traccia
vestibular: vestibolare