Singular Plural Examples
General rule +s cell → cells, molecule → molecules
Words ending in -ch, -s, -ss, -x, -z, -o +es virus → viruses, pharynx → pharynxes
Abbreviations ending in -o or words with a vowel before the final -o +s piano → pianos, video → videos
Words with a consonant before the final -y +ies body → bodiesBUT boy → boys (-y preceded by vowel)
Most words ending in -f and -fe +ves half → halves, life → livesBUT roof → roofs, safe → safes (exceptions)
Some irregular plurals of Anglo-Saxon origin ox → oxen, child → childrenfoot → feet, goose → geese
Some words ending in -ouse -ice mouse → mice, louse → lice
Words with a Greek origin ending in -on or a Latin origin ending in -um -a phenomenon → phenomena, medium → media
Words with a Greek origin ending in -ma -mata schema → schemata
Words with a Latin origin ending in -a -ae larva → larvae
Words with a Latin origin ending in -us -i fungus → fungi
Words with a Latin origin ending in -is -es axis → axes
Word with a Latin origin ending in -x -ces/-ges matrix → matrices; pharynx → pharynges
Invariable plurals sheep → sheep, fish → fish*
Some words ending in -ouse -ice mouse ---+ mice, louse---+ /ice
Words with a Greek origin ending in -on or a Latin -a phenomenon ---+ phenomena
origin ending in -um medium ---+ media
Words with a Greek origin ending in -ma -mata schema ---+ schemata
Words with a Latin origin ending in -a -ae larva ---+ larvae
Words with a Latin origin ending in -us -i fungus ---+ fungi
Words with a Latin origin ending in -is -es axis---+ axes
Word with a Latin origin ending in -x -ces/-9es matrix---+ matrices; pharynx---+ pharynges
lnvariable plurals sheep ---+ sheep, fish ---+ fish*
  • fish is the usua/ plura/ form, but fishes is sometimes used to referto different kinds of fish.
  • For some words there are sometimes two forms, the originai and the English one, but sometimes the English plural is used only for a narrow definiti on of the term. A classicaI example is mouse---> mice (= the animai) and---> mouses (= a pointing device for a computer).

31 Write the plural of the words below with the help of a dictionary.

1. neuroma: .....................
2. cicatrix: .....................
3. stimulus: .....................
4. vertebra: .....................
5. datum: .....................
6. fungus: .....................
7. appendix: .....................
8. compendium: .....................
9. formula: .....................
10. nucleus: .....................
11. stratum: .....................
12. analysis: .....................
13. bacterium: .....................
14. atrium: .....................
15. reticulum: .....................
16. mitochondrion: .....................
17. tibia: .....................
18. ilium: .....................
19. flagellum: .....................
20. larynx: .....................