GRAMMAR Prefixes Prefixes are sets of letters which are added to the beginning of a word (adjective, adverb, noun or verb). The addition of a prefix . creates a new word with a different meaning Prefix Meaning Used with Examples (an-) not, without, lacking in adj., adv., n. > asymmetry dis- not, opposite of adj., adv., n., v. > discontinuous, disagree in- (il-, im-, ir-) not, opposite of adj., adv., n. > inexhaustible, illegal, impossibility, irregularity un- not, opposite of adj., adv., n., v. > unable, unconsciously non- not, absence of adj., n. > non-proliferation, non-stop de- opposite of, removal of adj., adv., n., v. > deficiency, deformity, deregulate ab- wrong adj., adv., n. > abnormal, abuse mis- bad(ly), wrong(ly) n., v. > misunderstanding, misbehave mal- bad(ly), wrong(ly) adj., adv., n. > malformed, malfunction over- too much adj., adv., n. > overheated, overestimate under- not enough adj., adv., n. > underdeveloped out- surpassing adj., adv., n. > outnumber fore- in advance, in front of n., v. > foreground, forecast re- again adj., adv., n. > reusable, reset 13. Write the opposite of these words using the appropriate prefixes. stability .................................................... reliable .................................................... advantage .................................................... possible .................................................... responsible .................................................... avoidable .................................................... regular .................................................... nutrition .................................................... secure .................................................... mature .................................................... necessary .................................................... order .................................................... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. Write the opposite of these words using the appropriate prefixes. ................ dependent ................ polite ................ driver ................ approve ................ behave ................ logical ................ zip ................ inform ................ agree 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.