1 Read the text on the previous page and answer the following questions.
1. What is inflammation?
2. What are the symptoms of i nflammation?
3. What facto rs can cause inflammation?
4. What are the three stages of inflammation?
5. What happens in acute inflammation?
6. What are the consequences of chronic inflammation?
7. How long can an acute inflammation and a chronic one last?

2 The picture shows natural remedies to prevent skin inflammation. In pairs, discuss which two items are easier to integrate into your everyday diet.


3 Read the following text and complete it with the missing words.

When your skin is exposed to the sun for a period
1 ...................................... time, it eventually burns, turning
red and irr itateci. The sun gives off three types of
ultraviolet light: UVA, UVB 2 ....................................... UVC.
uve light doesn't reach the Earth's surface.
The other 3 ....................................... types penetrate your
skin and cause damage. Sun damage isn't always
visible. Under 4 ....................................... surface, ultraviolet
light can alter your DNA, prematurely ageing your
skin and eventually causing melanoma.
When you get sunburn, your skin turns red
5 ....................................... hur t s . lf the burn is severe, you
can develop swelling and sunburn blisters. You may
even feel like you have 6 ....................................... flu, with a
fever and headache. A few days later, your skin will
start peeling and itching 7 ...................................... .
your body tries 8 ....................................... get rid of
sun-damaged cells .


Dermatitis is a generai term for skin inflammation. With dermatitis, the skin will typically look dry, swollen, and red. The causes may vary, but it is not contagious.
Dermatitis can be uncomfortable for some people and can range from mild to severe. Certain types of dermatitis can last a long time, while others are seasonal, often caused by stressful situations . Some types of dermatitis are more common in children, and others are more common in adults.
To relieve pain both medications and topical creams can be used.



to attempt: tentare, provare
frostbite: congelamento
harmful: dannoso
healing: di guarigione
injurious: nocivo
leukocyte: leucocita/o
prolonged: prolungato
range: variare
relieve: alleviare
shift: cambiamento
swollen: gonfio
swelling: gonfiore
wound: ferita