4. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the function of the Emergency Department?
2. What is the first step when a patient arrives at the emergency department?
3. What does the triage nurse do?
4. Why is registration important?
5. What is the fast track for?
6. Who is the observation unit for?
7. What is a differential diagnosis?
8. When is the general surgeon called?


5. Reorder the dialogue between Dr Glazer and his patient by writing the correct number in the spaces provided. The first one has been done for you. Then listen and check your answers.

1 Hi, I’m Dr Glazer. What’s the problem?
[ ] I fell down some steps and hurt my wrist.
[ ] Can you move it at all?
[ ] Yes, it does.
[ ] No, not as far as I know.
[ ] Let’s see. That looks pretty bad.
[ ] It hurts too much!
[ ] It may be broken or it may be badly sprained. I’m going to have an X-ray taken, and then we’ll see. I’ll probably want to put a cast on it. In the meantime, I’ll give you something for the pain. Are you allergic to any drugs?
[ ] Ow, yes!
[ ] Does it hurt when I bend it?
[ ] Thanks, Doctor!
[ ] OK, take these, and then go to X-ray, two doors down the hall. The nurse will help you.


6. Below are pictures of some of the most common objects you can find in a hospital Emergency Department. Match each term to the correct picture.

a. wheelchair
b. syringe
c. oxygen mask
d. infusion
e. stretcher
f. stethoscope



complaint: disturb
concern: preoccupazione
deferrable: *differibile
emergency medicine doctor: medico che svolge il proprio servizio al Pronto soccorso
fast track: percorso veloce
to prioritise: dare priorità
prolonged: prolungato
pulse: pulsazioni
rate: frequenza
record: registrazione
to require: richiedere
surgeon: chirurgo