11. Decide if the following statements are true or false, then correct the false ones.

1. There is only one type of memory. ☐ ☐
2. The working memory is the one retaining items for the shortest time. ☐ ☐
3. You are not conscious of the memories that you retain with the declarative memory. ☐ ☐
4. Non-declarative memory helps you to repeat new tasks. ☐ ☐
5. Some body responses are caused by non-declarative memory. ☐ ☐
6. Non-declarative memory lasts for a longer time. ☐ ☐
7. Amnesia is a way to study memory. ☐ ☐
8. Amnesia can be caused by a variety of causes. ☐ ☐
9. Amnesia is a chronic disease. ☐ ☐
10. Anterograde amnesia is related to a person’s ability to remember things in the future. ☐ ☐


12. Listen to these five facts about memory and complete the sentences below.

FACT 1: We can hold between __________________ and __________________ items in our __________________ -term memory, where they will remain for just __________________ to __________________ seconds.
FACT 2: A study has shown that children between the ages of __________________ and __________________ can remember about __________________ per cent of their early life events, while __________________ and __________________ year-olds remember less than __________________ per cent.
FACT 3: We can match a __________________ to a __________________ at our best between the ages of __________________ and __________________. In our seventies we will only be able to recognise about __________________ per cent of people.
FACT 4: One study demonstrated that people can better remember facts about a movie they saw if they ______________________.
FACT 5: __________________ year-old Mozart was able to transcribe a piece of music he had heard __________________ in the Sistine Chapel, remembering it perfectly.


13. Play a game to improve your short-term memory!

The Grocery List Game

There are several variations of the grocery list game that improve memory function. This group game involves forming a circle, with the first person starting the game by saying, "I went to the store and bought…" Each person adds an item to the end of the sentence, and the object of the game is to remember all items in the correct order. The first person who gets the order wrong or cannot remember the items loses.
The Grocery List Game tests your ability to recall and properly order lists. The game builds connections and expands your brain's ability to remember, improving your memory over time. To make the game more personal and challenging, you can replace the starting sentence with any topic, such as, "My favourite books/films are…." Trying to recall long book/film titles increases the difficulty of the game.


to build up: formarsi
to fear: temere
to last: durare
childhood: infanzia
memories (pl.): ricordi
to shape: dare forma a
stroke: ictus
whenever: ogniqualvolta