Wh-word Meaning
who people
what things
where place
when time
why reason
which people/things (restrictive choice)
how manner
how much/many quantity
how long duration; length
how far distance
how old age
how tall height
what ... like description

Sentence structure
  • wh-word as the subject of the sentence: the same structure of the affirmative sentence (wh-word + verb + rest of the sentence)

    • Who first studied the effects of DID?
    • What is schizophrenia?
    • Which disease is more frequent? Depression or panic disorder?
    • How much money is spent every year in research?
  • wh-word as the object of the sentence:

    • with the present simple or past simple of the verb be: wh-word + verb be + subject + rest of the sentence
      • What is the main cause of schizophrenia?
    • with all the other verbs with an auxiliary: wh-word + auxiliary + subject + verb + rest of the sentence
      • What do you know about eating disorders?
      • When did you have your first panic attack?

11 Write questions for the following answers. Look at the underlined words to choose the appropriate wh-word.

1. I have studied schizophrenia for ages.
2. The psychiatric hospital is at 22, Oxford Street.
3. The UK government spends millions of pounds on research into mental health.
4. Dissociative identity disorder was discovered in the late 1880s.
5. Jean-Martin Charcot discovered multiple personality disorder.
6. After a binge, I purge.
7. Damaged neurons can cause mental illness.
8. I have a panic attack twice a week.
9. My child cannot recall important information because he suffers from DID.
10. My doctor is only 30.
