1 Match each term, taken from the text above, with its Italian equivalent.
- 1. long-stay ☐ a. dimessi
- 2. drugs ☐ b. senzatetto
- 3. neglectful ☐ c. realizzate
- 4. overcrowding ☐ d. lungodegenza
- 5. implemented ☐ e. incuranti
- 6. shortcomings ☐ f. limiti
- 7. discharged ☐ g. sovraffollamento
- 8. homeless ☐ h. farmaci
2 Describe the picture on the right, from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a 1975 American comedy-drama film directed by Miloš Forman.
3 Psychiatric hospitals are still working in some parts of the world and, unfortunately, best practices are not always followed. Listen to the recording and answer the questions below.
1. Who wrote the report?
2. What country is it about?
3. Whose story is told?
4. Was the person physically tortured?
5. How long did the person stay in the hospital?
6. What did the hospital staff do if the patient annoyed them?
7. Who decided to send the person to hospital?
8. Why? Give details.
9. What was the person diagnosed with?
10. Did the parents believe the patient was telling the truth about treatment at the hospital?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is started by a terrifying event – either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.
asylum: casa di cura per persone con disturbi mentali
discharged: dimesso
disregarded: ignorato
funding: finanziamento/i
neglectful: incurante
overcrowded: sovraffollato
shortcomings: difetti, limiti
to suggest: proporre