EDUCATION, CULTURE AND ENTERTAINMENT 2 SCHOOLS Answer these questions. From kindergarten pupils to high school students, a pleasing school environment can a. Is your school a improve the learners performance. recent or an old Over the past decades, school design has building? been widely recognised as a factor producing b. Have you visited a a good learning environment that strongly museum recently? affects student achievement as well as What was it about? teacher satisfaction. A recent American study c. Do you like going shows that 92% of teachers surveyed believe to the theatre? If general classroom design has a strong impact so, what was the on students learning and they identify the last performance top five design elements that promote the you saw? best learning environment: comfort, safety, Traditional school building lighting, temperature control and good acoustics. In the 1855 edition of Practical Illustrations of the Principles of School Architecture , a to affect: influenzare to deliver: consegnare primary school in Boston had enormous windows and very large classrooms. The typical drastically: drasticamente, classroom shape and dimensions haven t changed much in more than 150 years because estremamente the way a teacher delivers information to 25 or 30 students in a classroom hasn t changed edge: lato much either. glazed: vetrato kindergarten: scuola One of the concepts behind the design of modern schools is the innovative teachingmaterna learning modality. This requires a variety of different kinds of spaces. Internal semilarch-cladding: permanent walls can be moved giving the space greater flexibility, so the classrooms can rivestimento in larice be rearranged in lots of different ways. Therefore if the teaching modality changes, it roof-light: lucernario fundamentally changes the way school design will be organized. setting: scenario shaded: ombreggiato One of the most famous and prominent schools in Britain is the Bedales School, an to survey: fare un independent school in the county of Hampshire, England. This new kind of public school sondaggio, indagare was founded in 1893 in reaction to the traditional Victorian Public School. Bedales top-lit: illuminato is famous for its foundation in the Arts and Crafts dall alto Movement. Today, the school has a well-known reputation for high quality art, drama and music teaching. In 2001, the school was the object of a new project that has drastically modified the relationship between classroom and space. The new development consists of two south-facing blocks, teaching to the east, administration to the west, linked by a social and circular space. In the teaching block, classrooms are placed on three floors along the northern edge, where they are protected from direct solar light. Along the south side of the building, the classrooms open onto a top-lit, highly glazed, but well shaded, circulation space. Natural ventilation for classroom and circulation spaces is provided by opening windows and roof-lights. Larch cladding and the stainless steel roof optimize Bedales School, Art and Design building 166 Module 5 FOUNDATIONS