Writing ASSESSING A SCHOOL BUILDING Renovate or build a new one? The question goes beyond renovation or new construction of school buildings. It is about providing the best and the safest place for our students to grow and learn. An example from the USA. 1 Read the text as a guideline. The Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) works to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each school building from a structural and educational standpoint. OSFC contracts independent professional engineering firms which visit the site to evaluate the main components of the building including plumbing, heating, roofing, ventilation, air conditioning and electrical systems. They also check access for students with disabilities, lighting, security, sewage treatment and water systems, doors and windows, the presence of environmental and health hazards, and the quality of technology. OSFC will discuss the assessment report with local administrators and together they will determine the best course of action for the building. ACTIVITIES Now consider your school building. Write a text as a structural assessment paper following the guidelines and the questions below. 1. How old is your school? Is it a historical building or was it built in the last 50 years? 2. Are there parts of the building that should be preserved? Are there sections that should be replaced? 3. Can the building be renovated to implement the 21st-century teaching-learning modalities and modern technology (TIC, interactive white boards, etc.)? 4. Is there proper access for students with disabilities? to assess: valutare 5. Is the building suitably sized for the school population of today and of the future? to contract: stipulare un 6. Is the building well lit, spacious and comfortable? contratto (con) firm: società 7. Does the school environment communicate a feeling of safety and well-being? to implement: mettere in 8. Has your school building ever been evaluated by professional engineers? pratica 9. What kind of improvement has been done recently? lit: illuminato 10. Has the building been cleared of hazardous material? standpoint: punto di vista 11. Is the building located in a seismic area? 12. Has it ever been assessed according to Italian anti-seismic legislation? Traditional school building 184 Module 5 SCAFFOLDING