SAFETY IN THE YARD 3 INCREASING SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE Answer these questions. a. Have you ever heard of safety regulations you must respect in your school? b. Can you mention any of them? c. Do you think people are concerned about safety where they study or work? to appoint: nominare assessment of risks: valutazione dei rischi building yard: cantiere to carry out: eseguire compliance: osservanza disposal: (qui) disposizione to draft: redigere employee: lavoratore dipendente employer: datore di lavoro first aid: primo soccorso handbook: manuale premises: locali dell azienda rescue: soccorso to set up: predisporre, avviare to train: addestrare, formare Big and small building companies are all conscious of how much security and safety in the workplace are important. Accidents in the workplace appear to depend more on the organization of the work itself and on the behaviour of workers than on the working environment itself. So, what is most important is to correctly inform and train both workers and employers. The phenomenon of migration of people looking for better living conditions and a job has made information and training even more important; so many handbooks and courses have been prepared for workers who are non-native speakers of the language of their new working environment. Both employers and workers have responsibilities. In particular, employers must: carry out an assessment of risks and draft the relevant document; set up an accident prevention unit set up a competent doctor; appoint in advance safety officers in charge of carrying out fire prevention and fire fighting measures, evacuation from the workplace in case of immediate and serious danger, rescue, first aid measures and the emergency management in general; provide employees with the appropriate and necessary personal safety devices; ensure compliance with the current regulations from every employee as well as the respect for every company provision regarding safety and work hygiene and use of collective and personal safety devices at their disposal; carry out the duties of information, instruction and training; consult Safety Officers; provide Safety Officers with a copy of the risk evaluation document; when carrying out contract or sub-contract work, supply employees with an identification badge with a photo of the worker and details of the employer. To cooperate on safety, workers should: make sure their duties are clear to them and respect the rules on safety; wear their badge and report the presence of any strangers on the premises; make sure they are physically and mentally fit for their work and report any unusual or strange behaviour by others; not remain inside the building yard after working hours unless authorized; not remove protective devices from machines or equipment and report any possible anomalies; make sure that the protective devices in use are efficient; not wear clothes or objects which can cause risk in building yard activities; have regular health check-ups; immediately evacuate the workplace (without waiting for the employer s authorization) in the case of a serious or immediate risk; take part in information, instruction and training activities organized by the company. 200 Module 6 FOUNDATIONS