4.2 WORKING IN AN OFFICE PEOPLE AT WORK IST stands for Indian Standard Time, which is a half-hour standard time zone: its local time differs by 30 minutes instead of the normal whole hour. There is something which is immediately needed when working in a company: its jargon . In the following two chapters you will learn about the most common terms used in an office environment. 1 read through these news headings: successful business owners are referred to with three different synonyms. Which are they? WOULD DINOSA URS BE ALIVE IF THEY HAD HAD SPACE SHIPS? TECH M O GUL ELON MUSK BE LIEVES SO. In pure-Musk st yl e, no one could de cipher the tone of the Twee t wherein Musk su gg ested that dinosaurs would n t have perished m illions of years ago if they had had access to spaceships. Edited By: Bharat Sharma W ION W eb Team, New Delh i, India. Publ ished: May 30, 2021, 01:48 PM (IST ) DIFFERENT TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS A permanent employment contract is for employees who work regular hours. Contracts of this type are applied to both full- and part-time work: full time contracts are offered to employees who work standard weekly hours, whereas part time contracts apply to employees who work a reduced number of hours. Both contracts entitle employees to a series of rights that include: maternity pay, redundancy pay and flexible working. A fixed-term employment contract has a set end date. It can be offered to a person who provides covering for a maternity or sick leave or hired for a specific project (like internship) or during busy periods. These contracts may be extended but cannot go on over four years: at this point they have to become permanent. A casual employment contract is used when employers cannot guarantee a regular working pattern. The contract should detail the minimum number of hours that employees are expected to work each week. If there is no minimum set, this agreement may be considered a zero-hour contract: the worker is on call and is not obliged to accept the offer. This is the case of gig workers and independent contractors such as food deliverers. 238 Extra G Y PUTS PAINTIN ONASSIS FAMIL P U URCHILL BY WINSTON CH FOR AUCTION. that the late inston Churchill A pa inting by W late Greek ister gave to the in M e im Pr sh iti Br being stot le Onassis is ri A te na ag m ng shippi timated auct ion for an es put up for sa le at $1.5m to 2m. Edited by Global ished: Times, AF P. Publ 3 PM :5 03 Ju n 20, 2021 NOVAK DJOK OVIC FLOOR S INDIAN BUSINESS TY COON WITH INCREDIBLE FRENCH OPE N FINAL GEST URE It seems like Novak Djokov ic s French Open 2021 fin al w in on Sun day, June 13, has ea rned th e Serbia n anot her fa n India n billion aire Harsh M ar iwala. Edited by Repu blicworld.com , Shar m istha More. Publ ishe d: 15th Ju ne, 20 21 17:17 IST 2 Do you know who the people mentioned in the headlines are? Surf the Internet to find out.