SAFETY IN THE YARD INCREASING SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE Building companies should all be aware of how important security and safety in the workplace are. Accidents in the workplace appear to be more frequently connected with the organization of the work itself and with the behaviour of workers than with the working environment itself. Consequently, it is very important to correctly inform and both workers and . The phenomenon of the migration of people looking for better life conditions and for a job has made information and training even more important, so lots of and courses have been planned for workers who are non-native speakers of the language spoken in their new working environment. Both employers and workers have some responsibilities. In particular, the must: 1 1 train employers handbooks employer carry out the and the relevant document; assessment of risks draft the Service Responsible for Risk Prevention and Protection; appoint appoint a competent doctor; appoint the in charge of carrying out fire prevention and firefighting measures, of evacuation from the workplace in case of immediate and serious danger, of measures, and . employees rescue first aid The employer must also: provide the employees with the appropriate personal ; safety devices ask for the of the current regulations as well as the respect of every disposition regarding safety and work hygiene; compliance the duties of information, instruction, and training; accomplish consult the Employees’ Safety Representative; provide the Employees’ Safety Representative with a copy of the risk evaluation document. To cooperate for safety, the should: worker cooperate to maintain behaviour that respects what has been learnt about safety; show his/her identification card and signal the presence of any in the building yard; stranger make sure he/she is in good psychophysical condition and point out others' anomalous behaviour; not remain inside the after working hours if not authorized; building yard not remove protective devices from machineries and working equipment; make sure that the protective devices in use are efficient; submit to medical check-ups; scheduled participate in initiatives of information, instruction, and training organized by the company. WARM UP Can you mention some safety regulations you must respect in your school? MORE Even though they are often used interchangeably, safety and security are two different words. Safety stands for accident avoidance, and security for crime prevention. 1 DO Fatal accidents in Italy in 2021 were more than: a. 500; b. 1000; c. 1500; d. 2000 1 ► Personal Protective Equipment Daniels Insurance, Inc. posted by