2 URBANISATION TYPES OF SETTLEMENT What is a settlement? . It can be classified as (towns, cities and megalopolis, usually with high population density, providing local government offices) or (small villages or farms with low population density and a small number of services). : , hi-tech industry , administrative centre, port, holiday resort, , and agricultural. Every settlement has a specific which is linked to factors such as history, culture, housing types, local climate, natural environment, available transport and town planning. A settlement is a place where people live urban rural scattered A settlement can be classified according to its main function manufacturing 1 educational 1 farming land use pattern Types of settlements with the most important centres of banking and finance such as London, New York, Tokyo. Megacities – main centres of world economy forming an area with high population, often with a large city as its centre. An example is , formed by coastline cities and towns from Boston to Washington, on the East Coast of the United States. Conurbations – groups of towns and joined together spread BosWash . is a network of urban communities, sharing resources such as a central business area, labour market and transport network. A City Region is an area where most of its population work, , shop, live and spend . City – large settlement reliant on commerce, manufacturing and industries City Region 2 trade leisure time the of facilities of a city. A town usually has permanent boundaries and a local form of government. Though the classification of an area such as a town or city is related to the population size, different countries have different methods of making this classification. In the U.S., a ‘city’ is just a legal term that means an urban area with autonomous power. Towns – smaller urban areas lacking range with only basic services such as a church (or a mosque or temple), a small food shop, a bar, and sometimes a post office. Village – settlement in a rural area in a rural area without any services. Hamlet – small group of farms WARM UP Do you live in a big city, a town or a village? What kind of facilities can be found there? DO What is the most famous high-tech industry area in the USA? 1 MORE Areas which include some of the most important universities in the world, such as the towns of Oxford and Cambridge in the UK. 1 MORE In Italian, the equivalent term of ‘City Region’ is . 2 Città Metropolitana Sidney, Australia