2 ECO-ARCHITECTURE THE ECOLOGICAL PROJECT: GENERAL PRINCIPLES What is eco-architecture? Explain it in your own words. Can you name at least two sources of indoor allergic reactions? What causes poor indoor air quality and pollution posted by Philips Sounds that reach 85 decibels or higher can harm a person s ears. ONLINE RESOURCES The history and development of ecological architecture Why eco-architecture? Creating buildings which have little ecological impact has always been the objective of architecture. Eco-architecture is returning to those old objectives. The reason for this is the ecological emergency but also an increasing preoccupation with health which started in the sixties. Sources of indoor pollution Most of us spend 90% of our time within a closed environment so the incorrect designing and the presence of toxic elements found in some materials can be the cause of illnesses and common pathologies. Materials used in constructing the building and furnishing it may release harmful substances. Excessive acclimatization, humidity or dryness of the air, an illumination without contrast or too strong, electrical fields by appliances, acoustic pollution and vibrations are just some examples of how living inside a house may affect our health. What is an eco-building like? The building has to be designed to last and its function is to create comfort. It should also be made not to waste energy, but to recuperate and regenerate it. An to affect: influenzare appliances: elettrodomestici durability: durevolezza, longevità to furnish: arredare harmful: dannoso illness: malattia in loco: sul posto saving system: sistema di risparmio waste: spreco 68 BIO AND MAN-MADE CONSTRUCTIONS ecological building is a quality building, created with long-lasting materials which reduce maintenance costs. Depending on the context and possibilities, the main objectives are to create harmony between the building itself and the place where it stands, to save energy and to guarantee the health of its inhabitants. Eco-architecture guidelines These may be taken as guidelines: mainly utilise materials available in large quantities in loco, unrefined, which need little manufacturing (to reduce energy waste), and which do not harm human health; guarantee the buildings flexibility for the possible future changes; try to design an efficient energy saving system (thermal isolation, natural lighting, etc.) by using innovative technological devices; guarantee the durability of the construction; use materials which can be recycled and re-used once the building is demolished; provide the structures with natural beauty and sensual comfort (sufficient lighting, natural colours, etc.).