MUSIC & SPORT The Paralympic Games WARM-UP Sapete se esistono sport che non sono presenti ai Giochi Paralimpici? E invece sport che sono solo presenti alle Paralimpiadi? Fate una ricerca su internet e raccogliete informazioni e brevi video. SPEAKING PAIR WORK 55 1. 2. 106 The Paralympic Games or Paralympics is a periodic series of international multi-sport events involving athletes with physical disabilities organised in parallel with the Olympic Games. They are held by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and are both summer and winter games: the summer games include 22 sports (some of them are sitting volleyball, wheelchair rugby and basketball), the winter games include six sports, such as alpine skiing, super G, and slalom. There is a special team sport which is only played in the Paralympic games: goalball . Goalball is for blind athletes and consists of a ball with a bell inside that must be thrown or rolled beyond the opponents goal line. Each team is composed of three players. It s an indoor sport usually played on a volleyball court and the match consists of two halves of twelve minutes. 1 Abbina i titoli ai paragrafi del testo. READING a. The first edition of the Paralympic Games b. What are the Paralympic Games? c. Some interesting facts d. The forerunners of the Paralympic Games e. Special sports f. The importance of the Paralympics 2 READING WRITING 3 WRITING SPEAKING PAIR WORK Indica se le risposte sono vere o false, correggi le false. T F 1. The summer games include 22 sports, the winter games include six. 2. Goalball is usually played on a basketball court. 3. Since 1988, the Paralympics have taken place immediately before the Olympic Games. 4. The first Paralympic Games took place in Rome in 1948. 5. One of the values of the Paralympics is courage. 6. The anthem of the Paralympics was composed in 1996. A coppie scrivete una lista di tre giochi / sport che proporreste alla classe per aumentare la consapevolezza sulle tematiche dell inclusione dei disabili. Poi discutetene con la classe.