A2 1 READING Completa le frasi. 1. Experts say that the origin of football is in , where it was invented around 746 BC and was called . 3. The highest ever was between two teams from Madagascar: during the match, 149 were scored. 2. The oldest professional football team is , in England. England is also the country where began. 4. The Russian team, Zenit St. Peterburg, has the highest number of among its . 2 Associa i vocaboli alle foto. Cerca sul dizionario i termini che non conosci. referee goalkeeper gloves red card offside penalty kick linesmen corner flag pitch whistle VOCABULARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SDG 5 - GENDER EQUALITY 3 Leggi il testo, riassumilo con una mappa e poi discuti con la classe i seguenti punti. WRITING SPEAKING Gender Gap in Football The first golden age of women s football started in the UK in the 1920s, with one match attracting over 50,000 spectators, but it was banned from 1921 until July 1971. The inaugural FIFA Women s World Cup was held in China in 1991. Since then, the sport has gained in popularity: over 1.12 billion people worldwide watched the 2019 FIFA Women s World Cup in France. There are no differences in the football rules played by men or women; the real, big difference is in the money they earn. As in many other fields, female football players earn between 15% to nearly 90% less than their male colleagues. A report says that in the UK 88% of players in the Women s Premiere League earn less than £18,000 a year, while the average salary in the men s Premier League is approximately £50,000 a week. This is not the only gap: investments and sponsors are less remarkable in female football, too. Adapted from: https://beestonshenton.co.uk/blog/gender-pay-gap-in-sports/ 1. Can you give any other example where men and women do the same sport but women are less famous? 2. Can you name five male football celebrities? And five female football celebrities? 3. Why do you think women earn less money, even if they do the same job/sport men do? DO-IT-YOURSELF 4 GROUP WORK Dividetevi in gruppi, scegliete un altro sport e scrivete una lista dei top ten fatti più curiosi riguardanti lo sport scelto. ODDITIES Incredible speed of a football The speed of 131 miles per hour (210 km/h) came from a free kick by Ronnie Heberson, a Lisbon defender, in 2007. In 1998, a ball kicked by David Beckham reached the speed of 114 miles per hour (183 km/h). 109