A1 1 READING Scegli l alternativa corretta. 1. What does spooky mean? a. Scary b. Happy c. Sad 2. What do the themes of the London Dungeon represent? a. Different countries. b. Historical events. c. Famous people. 2 VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. Ghost Execution To Terrify To Disappear 3 3. Where are actors in zombie costumes? a. In the Jack the Ripper section. b. In Highgate Cemetery. c. In the London tombs of the London Bridge experience. 4. Highgate Cemetery is famous for a. a ghost. b. a vampire. c. a ripper. Unisci i termini alla loro traduzione. SPEAKING PAIR WORK a. b. c. d. Sparire Esecuzione Terrorizzare Fantasma Fate quattro domande e risposte su ciascuna attrazione. Attraction Opening Times Ticket price Tour The London Dungeon Every day: 10am 4 pm Standard ticket: £27 50 minutes The London Bridge experience Friday-Sunday: 12am 6pm Monday-Thursday: closed Adult ticket: £23 Child ticket: £21 60 minutes Highgate Cemetery (November-March) Every day: 10am 4am (April October) Every day: 10am 5pm Adult ticket: £14 Child ticket: £8 70 minutes COMMUNICATION & CREATIVITY 4 Leggi il testo, poi immagina di poter aprire un tuo museo: come lo chiameresti? Quale epoca storica rappresenterebbe? Quali oggetti metteresti in mostra? Scrivi una breve descrizione poi leggila alla classe. WRITING SPEAKING The British Museum There are many tourist attractions in London and a lot of things to do and see. Tourists love the British Museum. It is one of the most famous museums of human history and culture, with seven million objects from all countries which document the story of human culture from the primitive era to the present age. One of the most important archeological objects is the Rosetta Stone. You don t have to pay to visit the Museum: like all the national museums and art galleries in Great Britain, it is free. Adapted from: https://www.britishmuseum.org/about-us/british-museum-story DO-IT-YOURSELF 5 WRITING PAIR WORK Cercate informazioni su un attrazione turistica di Londra che ritenete interessante e create un volantino in cui indicate: nome dell attrazione breve descrizione con immagini indirizzo come arrivarci orari costo del biglietto. ODDITIES The Tower of London is a historical castle where visitors can go and see the crown jewels. But, in the past, the Tower was a prison where famous people like Anne Boleyn were kept before their execution. 11